Main Architecture and Design YKK80 Building: Work in a Pleasant Atmosphere

YKK80 Building: Work in a Pleasant Atmosphere

YKK80 Building: Work in a Pleasant Atmosphere
The world’s largest zipper manufacturer YKK Group was founded in 1934. Its headquarters were first in Tokyo’s Nihonbashi Kakigara-cho, then nearby Nihonbashi Bakuro-cho, and later Asakusa Kaminarimon. In 1963, it moved to Kanda Izumi-cho, one of the country’s most prominent household goods and textiles wholesale districts since the olden days. Here in this district, the company continues to meet the challenges of manufacturing in the new YKK80 Building, which was completed upon the milestone that is its 80th anniversary as a place for people to gather, to connect, and to foster talent.
The 1,800 square meter open-plan floors are well suited to the YKK office working style. The elevators and stairways are situated along the perimeter of the building, allowing unobstructed, wall-to-wall views and a spacious feel. The main stairwell that connects all the floors from the fourth floor to the rooftop is located at the base of the main work area and is surrounded by meeting spaces for conversations and conferences, encouraging communication between the floors.
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Materials provided by Nikken Sekkei