If the Building Does Not Breathe - Take Gyptone Activ`Air®
Today indoor air quality has turned into a global issue because of its extremely negative effect on human health. In various buildings townsfolk spend 60 to 80% of their 24-hour period, and for small children, elderly or sick people this index can reach 100%. That is why control of indoor air quality in health care and education, as well as in cultural, entertainment and office facilities requires special attention.
In modern world more and more people are well aware of the role of quality and safe construction solutions to ensure domestic indoor environment: we try to choose natural building materials and already got used to pay attention to environmental labeling, require security certificates and apply for guidance to certified environmentalists. Our buildings really become more environmentally friendly. And in this is a great merit of builders and customers and their responsible attitude towards their work.
However, only the compliance with above listed conditions cannot give complete assurance of the safety for prospective cliff-dwellers, occupants or visitors of this or that office building. The problem of air quality in surrounding us indoor environment is becoming increasingly acute.
In the recent past internal premises have often made opened for the influx of outdoor air (natural ventilation), but before also the atmosphere of our cities was much more suitable for this purpose. Anthropogenic pollution of the environment has led to the fact that most offices and public institutions today operate in conditions of a closed artificial air supply at times with insufficient control of air quality. As a result, people are in a long time they complain of feeling unwell, frequent colds and headaches.
On a par with poorly functioning ventilation and microbiological contamination of air conditioning systems a significant role in the deterioration of indoor climate play the side impurities from working office equipment, evaporation, household cleaning products, volatile compounds of different chemical substances used in the production of modern household items.
Due to a combination of several similar pathogenic factors are created endangering conditions for so-called «sick building syndrome », and the final diagnosis is made when more than 20% living or working in it people complain about poor air quality with the manifestation of their specific symptoms. «Sick building syndrome » does not spare in the first place the old buildings that have experienced a makeshift renovation, but sometimes it also found in quite new facilities built with violation in construction technologies.
Disease prevention is better than cure, would tell you any health professional. The same applies to «health» of the building. And prevention here stipulates construction and renovation using quality materials and modern equipment, compliance with building standards and technologies, competent installation and operation of air conditioning systems.
But how in the process of further operation of the building to avoid, for example, occurrence in the air one of the most hazardous substances - formaldehyde? Its emitter is cheap production furniture (cabinets, racks, shelves, tables, and so on.), Some types of defective or obsolete finishing materials, flooring, plastic, foam insulation and, of course, all kinds of items from chipboard, MDF and fibreboard, such as doors which are manufactured from pressed wood waste using adhesives.
GYPROC is a leading manufacturer of modern plasterboard systems and accessories for interior decoration offers solution to control formaldehyde - this insidious enemy of internal ecosphere, harmful to the human body. Quite possible that their ceiling system Gyptone Activ`Air® is that salvific «health pill», which will help to protect our buildings.
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Materials provided by Saint-Gobain Gyproc