Main Eco materials Buildings Fire Protection Based on Knauf Technologies

Buildings Fire Protection Based on Knauf Technologies

Buildings Fire Protection Based on Knauf Technologies

The increasing comfort of urban living environment is inseparably associated with the growing demand of the buildings security. And one of the most common building’s harm’s way are fires. So, according to the construction standards the fire safety means and measures, which also depend on the typology of the building, are developed already at the stage of building design. And these fire safety requirements become more stringent every year.

In 2009 in Russia came in force the Federal Law № 123 “The Technical Regulations of Fire Safety” according to which in some kind of premises is obligatory the use of non-flammable materials. At the same time the requirements for fire safety for constructions basically have been not changed. All these changes have pushed the largest in Europe and in Russia manufacturer of the products for construction and “dry” finishing - the German company Knauf - to revise and complement its strategy in the field of the materials fire safety. The company launched to the Russian market a completely new product – the flame resistant gypsum board Knauf-Fireboard.

Until the introduction of the mentioned law for fire safety in all areas of construction Knauf successfully offered its main products: drywalls – Knauf-boards and fiber reinforced gypsum boards – Knauf-superboards. The volume of its production only in Russia currently reaches a millions of square meters per year. Thanks to this the production costs and the final price for architects and designers is very attractive. The presence of gypsum in the construction materials creates a comfortable environment because of its ability to absorb excessive moisture from the air and release it back into the room environment while the humidity is decreasing. One of the most important features of the gypsum is the incombustibility. So the fire safety properties of gypsum content products are very high as well. Knauf-boards and Knaufsuperboards are widely used for interior walls encasement, as the material for partition walls and false ceilings, and as a crucial element for complex construction systems. Knauf-superboards devices are also used as a floor undercover layer.

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Materials provided by Knauf  Text by Andrew Shnykin