Main Architecture and Design Flight оf Imagination

Flight оf Imagination

Flight оf Imagination

The Museum of Flight was conceived a long time, but the idea found its embodiment only now - in the project reminding a huge spaceship. A series of data on the world of flight (biology, medicine, zoology, technology, literature, engineering, science fiction) are contained in a large international data bank exhibited in the Museum and the experimentation centre in a free organized creative space. According the idea of its creators Jean-Marc Schivo and Lucilla Revelli – this huge ark is rich in creative ideas for the future; it is the place where freedom of thought can be expressed to make it understood that “nothing can be detached in the world” (Leibniz).

Flying and communicating has always been part of the biological heritage of man and nature, since flying is not a prerogative of airplanes only or the result of advanced technologies. Temporary exhibitions on the art of flight and the future of flight will be interfaced with biology, technology, botany, literature, visual arts and science fiction educational labs organized on three levels. Interaction between the Museum and the outside world will be ensured by means of telecommunications providing a constantly updated data flow.

Digital technologies minimizing exhibition spaces create new settings and sensational emotions and involve the user in an interactive multidisciplinary journey enriched by the display of lost or unfinished historic machines and prototypes reconstructed in the Museum labs.

The dynamic mechanisms of the flight and the technologies developed, the huge hall exhibiting the flying machines that testify the history of the flight from the very first experiments to the latest developments and, last but not least, the opportunity of physically experience the sensation of flying in the flight simulator.

Full version you can download here

Materials provided by JMS chivo & Associati