Energy Distribution – the Key to Savings
Introducing DEC, an innovative, Canadian engineering corporation working at the leading edge of sustainable systems design and construction. Embracing the concept of energy conservation and sustainability, DEC fields a uniquely gifted team of bright, experienced engineers, technologists, and designers dedicated to the optimal use of recoverable and renewable energy for the heating and cooling of buildings, from single structures to entire communities.
At the forefront of engineering sustainability, DEC has developed a patent-pending system called District Energy Sharing, a low-temperature, shared-resource system that distributes heating, cooling, and in some cases reclaimed water to interconnected buildings within a community.
District Energy Sharing System is designed to discover recoverable and renewable energy within a community, capture that energy, then use it to provide heating, cooling, and domestic hot water to a building or buildings within that community. In some cases, water, too, can be recovered and distributed. DEC works with all levels of government, developers, utilities and business partners in the design and construction of DES Systems. Its technology is licensable to partners certified to design and construct DES Systems.
District Energy Sharing begins with a survey of the available unused or wasted energy sources within a community. Treated wastewater effluent and geo-thermal energy are the most common, but, in a community-wide search, other energy sources are often uncovered – heat from the ice plants in arenas, for instance. This recaptured energy, combined with heat pumps, heat exchangers and other technologies, provides heating and cooling within a community. In addition, when recovering heat from waste water treatment plants or other industrial processes, the DESS provides a vehicle for distributing reclaimed water for non-potable applications (toilet flushing, irrigation, stream augmentation, etc.), thus reducing potable water demand by up to 40%. DEC’s District Energy Sharing is engineered sustainability in its purest form. It uses energy previously wasted; it reduces the use of traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels and the carbon penalties associated with them; it takes advantage of the earth’s natural heat – an energy source provided free, in limitless quantities.
District Energy Sharing is an exciting, emerging technology upon which DEC has a patent pending. Developers, communities and governmental agencies are enthusiastic about the potential for significant energy savings. Large projects are up and running in Whistler, B.C. and Langford, B.C., and DEC has been commissioned to undertake full-scale DES studies for the cities of Vancouver, B.C., Halifax, N.S., Delta, B.C., Surrey, B.C., and Whistler, B.C.
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Materials provided by DEC